

in the year 2011 with din en 1627 european standards have been established, that define the resistance of burglary-protecting construction elements. it is classified based on tools that were used and the time it would take a burglar to get into the house through the door.


figure: in order to deter burglars and protect against burglaries, entrance doors with an rc 3 resistance class are ideal choices.


what is regulated by this standard?


the resistance classes have been abbreviated after their establishment according to european standards with "rc". they range from the classes rc 1n to rc 6.


who classifies the doors?


manufacturers allow their products to be tested by different independent and accredited testing institutes. the doors get the classification if opening is not possible within a certain time and with a certain tool.


an overview of the different resistance classes:


resistance class rc 1 n: components of the resistance class rc 1 n offer protection against burglary by physical violence like kicking against the door, jumping against the door, shoulder barging, pushing it up or pulling it out (mainly vandalism). components of this resistance class rc 1 n just offer a low protection against the usage of lifting tools.


resistance class rc 2 n / rc 2
: the casual burglar attempts to break up the component with simple tools such as screwdrivers, pliers and wedges. the component must withstand this for at least 3 minutes.


resistance class rc 3
: the burglar also tries to break the component with a second screwdriver and a cow foot. it has to withstand at least 5 minutes.


resistance class rc 4
: the experienced burglar also uses sawing tools and striking tools like pickax, crowbar, hammer and chisel as well as a power drill. the door has to be resistant against those tools for at least 10 minutes.


resistance class rc 5
: the experienced burglars also use efficient electronic tools like drilling machines, jigsaw, reciprocating saw and angle grinders. it has to be resistant for at least 15 minutes.


resistance class rc 6
: the experienced burglar uses efficient electronical tools like drilling machines, jigsaw, reciprocating saw and angle grinders. it has to be resistant for at least 20 minutes.


the resistance classes rc 2 and rc 3 are recommended for apartments and houses. the classes rc 4 to rc 6 are mainly used for commercial properties like banks. for entrance doors with side parts and/or top lights, it has to be kept in mind that those should also be of the same resistance class.


figure: the higher the resistance class of an entrance door, the longer it is resistant against an attempt at burglary.


the vision is to close all openings in china with high-tech solutions from hörmann.
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