home> about hörmann> hörmann history

hörmann is a family-owned business from germany which boasts a history of 84 years since its incorporation in 1935. today, the leadership of hörmann is in the hands of its third- and fourth-generation successors, i.e. thomas j. hörmann, the grandson of the founder—august hörmann, and his great-grandsons, martin j. hörmann and christoph hörmann.



the company

the company "august hörmann bielefelder stahltüren" was founded.

steel doors

steel doors

the first batch of up-and-over garage doors

the first batch of up-and-over garage doors

factory premises in amshausen

factory premises in amshausen


hermann hörmann at the 25th company anniversary

hermann hörmann at the 25th company anniversary

hörmann belgium and hörmann nederland were founded.

hörmann belgium and hörmann nederland were founded.

offices and dealers, as well as hörmann-owned sales organizations were set up in the whole germany.

offices and dealers, as well as hörmann-owned sales organizations were set up in the whole germany.

employees at the hanover exhibition

employees at the hanover exhibition

hanover exhibition

hanover exhibition

1,000,000 up-and-over garage doors had been produced.

1,000,000 up-and-over garage doors had been produced.


hörmann kg in brockhagen, germany and hörmann kg in eckelhausen, germany as well as hörmann kg in werne, germany were founded.

hörmann kg in brockhagen, germany and hörmann kg in eckelhausen, germany as well as hörmann kg in werne, germany were founded.

the sales center trading company (vkg) was established in steinhagen, germany.

the sales center trading company (vkg) was established in steinhagen, germany.

hörmann kg was founded in dissen, germany.

hörmann kg was founded in dissen, germany.

thomas j. hörmann (right) with glenn berry (left) in the usa

thomas j. hörmann (right) with glenn berry (left) in the usa

employees at the bau exhibition in munich

employees at the bau exhibition in munich


hermann hörmann at the 50th anniversary

hermann hörmann at the 50th anniversary

hermann hörmann was awarded as the

hermann hörmann was awarded as the "orde van leopold ii" by the king of belgium.

thomas j. hörmann had become a personally liable partner.

thomas j. hörmann had become a personally liable partner.


hermann hörmann was awarded the federal cross of merit.

hermann hörmann was awarded the federal cross of merit.

employees at the bau exhibition in munich

employees at the bau exhibition in munich

the automated production line was launched at the antriebstechnik factory.

the automated production line was launched at the antriebstechnik factory.

the production of steel fire-rated doors h8 had reached 1,000,000.

the production of steel fire-rated doors h8 had reached 1,000,000.


martin j. hörmann attended the opening ceremony of beijing door production co. ltd. in china.

martin j. hörmann attended the opening ceremony of beijing door production co. ltd. in china.

bau exhibition in munich

bau exhibition in munich

the production line for entrance doors was launched in the eckelhausen factory.

the production line for entrance doors was launched in the eckelhausen factory.

1,000,000 sectional garage doors had been manufactured.

1,000,000 sectional garage doors had been manufactured.

thomas j. hörmann at the 10th anniversary of the ichtershausen factory

thomas j. hörmann at the 10th anniversary of the ichtershausen factory

3,000,000 steel internal doors zk and over 3,000,000 steel fire-rated doors h8 had been produced.

3,000,000 steel internal doors zk and over 3,000,000 steel fire-rated doors h8 had been produced.


100,000 industrial rolling shutters and 2,000,000 sectional garage doors had been produced.

100,000 industrial rolling shutters and 2,000,000 sectional garage doors had been produced.

employees at the big 5 exhibition in dubai

employees at the big 5 exhibition in dubai

the production line for steel doors was launched at the freisen factory.

the production line for steel doors was launched at the freisen factory.

3,000,000 sectional garage doors had been produced.

3,000,000 sectional garage doors had been produced.

the portamatic door operators and timber internal doors had been input into market.

the portamatic door operators and timber internal doors had been input into market.

the hörmann forum officially opened to the public.

the hörmann forum officially opened to the public.

martin j. hörmann at the first corporate social responsibility & development round table in gagillapur

start of sales for hörmann homee and hörmann bluesecur smart home systems

start of sales for loft doors

start of sales for storage space systems

carbon-neutral campaign doors

100 % green energy and carbonneutral products for residential construction

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environment about us
the vision is to close all openings in china with high-tech solutions from hörmann.