stabilo, a german pen maker, is one of the world's largest brands of writing stationery. in order to better highlight the brand identity, stabilo has upgraded its old office building on the vertical level. with a pixelated facade design, the anthracite color on the outside of the new stabilo cube contrasts strongly with those of the internal space, creating a multicolored "black cube", an iconic brand building palace exclusive to stabilo.
by | hörmann architectural detail (had)
black cube
▲the new stabilo cube
the new stabilo cube is located in heroldsberg, germany. while the original building was a white cube created in the 1990s, the new one is a vertical extension of the old building. with an anthracite exterior, the cube with its pixelated facade is restrained and understated, resembling a black cube. the unique landmark of the building makes it clear from every angle, successfully creating the iconic brand building of stabilo.
▲the new cube features a pixelated facade, with an anthracite exterior which is restrained and understated.
▲the exterior of the cube shaped like a black cube, which is easy to recognize from every angle.
although the "black cube" pixelated open hole facade design, to a certain extent, blurring the people for building interior floor and functional partition of cognition, but through the large window area design of the exhibition halls and the conference centers, facilitates the internal space to people to further explore.
multicolored world
when visitors are curious about the interior landscape, they can only experience the rhythm of color change when looking at the building from the outside. when you walk into the cube, you would be pleasantly surprised: the compactness of the architectural entity is suddenly lost, while the numerous corridors and vertical spaces allow visitors to experience the spacious and complete building volume.
▲the core area of the cube is green, and is toned with red, blue and orange at the same time.
inside the cube, the elements that define and shape the space are given multiple, bright and buoyant tones. there is a sharp contrast between the internal components and the facade of the cube. the color contrast with a unique sense of visual impact becomes a striking element of the interior space, showing people the fresh and magical multicolored world of stabilo.
▲the spacious staircase glows orange, as is often the case with the brand's boss markers.
▲the green area represents the meeting space, blue represents the communication space, and red represents the brand store.
▲lecture hall with green colors
▲small conference rooms with green walls and brand stores with red glass walls.
▲in order to prevent employees from being distracted by multiple colors, the office area adopts a classic white instead.
construction profiles
location: schwanweg 1, heroldsberg, germany
architect: mvm starke architekten, cologne, germany
gross floor area: 4,850 m²
gross volume: 21,594 m³
photos: andreas muhs, berlin, germany
hörmann schörghuber star products:
fire-rated doors, smoke-tight doors, acoustic-rated doors
the new stabilo cube, which cost about 15.5 million rmb, was completed and opened to the public during the brand's 160th anniversary celebration. hörmann schörghuber supplied the building with a large number of colorful fire-rated doors, smoke-tight doors and acoustic-rated doors. some of the doors are embedded and hidden in the walls at first glance, not easily identifiable, because they have already been quietly integrated into the color game and the overall concept of the new building.
▲some hörmann schörghuber fire-rated doors are with embedded designs to provide greater access width when the doors are fully open.
▲hörmann schörghuber white fire-rated doors are with oversized design. in the event of a fire, the doors will automatically close, isolating different building areas from each other.
in addition to the embedded design, stabilo is also very elegant and bold in the choices of door colors, such as red, green, blue, fluorescent yellow... each door is in harmony with the design of the walls and spaces inside and outside the building. previously, boss markers were used to mark the contents of the documents. this time, the object of the tagging is the entire building.
▲part of the doors are ceiling-high and embedded to the walls, elegant and concise in styles, and saving space at the same time.
▲some of the ceiling-high doors feature four hinges instead of two due to the sizes.
▲the double-leaf fire-rated and smoke-tight doors offer more space for transporting bulky objects.
▲the color concept consistently extends to the walls and floors.
▲ground floor plan
▲second floor plan