football can be so simple. in krasnodar a local billionaire
wanted his own brand new club – and constructed his own stadium to match. since
then, the team members of fk krasnodar play their matches in the spectacular
arena by gmp architekten – and their first opponents on the new lawn were the
team members of schalke 04.
sergei nikolajewitsch galizki became rich as a trader, is
among the wealthiest russians, and according to “forbes magazine” holds rank
202 internationally. at the age of 40 he established his own football club and
at age 50 he built himself a stadium to match. since the proprietor of the
“magnit” chain of hypermarkets appreciates quality, he commissioned the german
architectural firm of gmp architekten – proven experts for stadiums of all
types and practically dedicated to the construction of football arenas for fifa
world championships. while the stadium in krasnodar is not part of this
exclusive circle despite the world championship in russia, the club has hosted
many international guests. this is because the russian club has been competing
in the uefa europa league since 2014, where they also play against german clubs
and they even made it to the quarter finals once where they lost against celta
vigo. as a very successful entrepreneur, sergei nikolajewitsch galizki seldom
settles for compromises. his football stadium is equally free of compromises.
gmp architekten designed a first-rate football arena for him, exclusively aimed
at the needs of football fans and with the aim of creating a great
bread and circus games
in ancient rome, the people at times were no longer
interested in politics, but only in “panem et circenses”. at least the building
style of the resulting arena architecture has made it into the russian
metropolis. the stadium in krasnodar not only has the same basic layout and
facade structure as the coliseum and similar amphitheatres of the roman empire.
the architects also used the classic lightcoloured travertine stone, which
dominated most roman buildings and now symbolically lifts up the new stadium
with its fluted pilasters.
wembley, maracana, wankdorf or glückauf-kampfbahn were
stadiums that became semi-religious football consecration sites due to
legendary games in the course of decades. however, in krasnodar time was more
limited. the stadium was intended to become a football temple right away, and
since the game is actually almost religious for a true football fan, the style
elements used in krasnodar are quite appropriate. the stands’ roof is as
reliable and tested as the layout and structure of the facade. the architects
opted for a light ring cable design with a double-layer membrane made of fibre
glass and coated in polytetrafluoroethylene (better known as “teflon”).
underneath it, the flood-lighting and the infrared heating for the spectator
stands are positioned. even though krasnodar is in a sub-mediterranean climate
region, it is nevertheless close to the caucasus and there are frequently
frosty days in winter. even though the stadium concept is rather classical, the
giant all-round video screen between the roof and the spectator stands is very
innovative. the 33,000 spectators can see high-resolution images on 4700 square
meters. this internationally one-of-a-kind feature ensures that the intense
atmosphere in this pure football arena is charged even further with these video
images. the architects of gmp did not build a standard stadium for sergei
nikolajewitsch galizki – and everyone in krasnodar is aware of this, as they
refer to it as the “galiseum”, which is probably quite accurate in reference to
its antique roman role model.
hörmann expertise:
sliding doors, rolling shutters and
steel doors
the drive into the stadium premises is locked with the hss
sliding gate made of sturdy steel profiles. due to the self-supporting design
almost no foundation work and guide rail fitting was required. this way, even
ice, snow or heavy soiling have practically no effect on the smooth door
travel. rolling shutters dd from hörmann are suitable for closing large door
openings as well as smaller ones, in this case the sales counters of the snack
stands. they are equipped with a guide channel to keep the wear of the door
curtain to a minimum. the driveways to the underground garage are equipped with
hörmann rolling grilles that roll up compactly behind the lintel so that no
valuable space is lost. in addition, 120 flush-closing steel doors were fitted.
a combination with suitable block frames produces a flush transition between
the door leaf and frame. this is why these attractive function doors are
primarily found in upscale architecture.
location: ulitsa razvedchika leonova 1, krasnodar, ru
hörmann products: rolling shutters dd, rolling grille
classic, steel doors sts/stu, steel sliding gate hss